HLA Supports HB 2001

HLA submitted written testimony in support of House Bill 2001, the proposal to require larger Oregon cities to allow “middle housing” (duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhomes, and cottage clusters) in all residential zones. We support HB 2001 because it aligns with our mission: to ensure that Oregonians of all income levels can obtain adequate and affordable housing. We believe HB 2001:

  • Supports Fair Housing and mixed income communities;
  • Promotes housing affordability;
  • Fosters housing diversity and options; and
  • Addresses climate change by reducing the carbon impacts of housing.

To read the full letter, see here: HLA’s Written Testimony in Support of HB 2001.

Visit the state legislature website to learn more about HB 2001. To voice your support, consider using this tool made available by 1,000 Friends of Oregon.