Seeing Beyond Green: Building Sustainable, Affordable, and Diverse Communities
September 25, 2009
Gresham City Hall Conference Center, Gresham, Oregon
Sponsored by Housing Land Advocates, Co-sponsored by the Oregon chapter of the American Planning Association (OAPA)
Conference Materials
Click on the titles below to view presentations and materials.
Getting Beyond Green: Defining Sustainability
- Environmental Sustainability, Brian Carleton (Carleton Hart Architecture)
- Social, Economic, Environmental, Janet Hammer (Portland State University)
Sustainability: Bridging the Divide
- Overview of Oregon’s Goal 10 (Housing) and Needed Housing Statutes, Richard Whitman (Oregon Department of Land Conservation)
Achieving Sustainability through Mixed‐Use Development: How’s it Working?
- The Sitka Apartments: A Case Study of Sustainable Affordable Housing, Michael Bonn (Ankrom Moisan Architects)
- Creating Inclusive Communities: New Columbia, Molly Gray (Portland Housing Authority)
What’s “On the Boards”?
- Bridge Meadows Housing Development, Ross Cornelius (Guardian Management)
- Pearl Family Housing: A Case Study of Sustainable Affordable Housing, Isaac Johnson (Ankrom Moisan)